From Invisible to Influential: 3 Steps to Elevate Your Online Presence

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There’s no overstating the significance of a powerful online presence in today’s digital landscape. Attention has become the new currency, and budding businesses are rolled out by the minute. Standing out against the noise is crucial if you want to see your personal brand boom.

As of 2024, the average person spends upwards of 40% of their waking hours looking at an internet-connected screen. This doesn’t even include work-related screen time. With so much to consume, half of what we see tends to blend into the background, forgotten even before we’ve swiped past it. Becoming the trigger that makes someone engage, stop scrolling, and pay attention to your business is half the battle to securing a like, a follow, or even a sale.

Whether you’re a content creator, a burgeoning entrepreneur, or just looking to leave your mark in the ever-evolving digital epoch, this one’s for you. Follow these three steps if you’re looking to elevate your online presence.

Stay Active on Socials

A no-brainer when it comes to elevating your online presence: align your social channels with your brand identity to connect with the right people on a more personal level, and remain consistently active. Aside from your website, your platforms and social signals are going to be the beating heart of your business. Likes, shares, brand mentions, influencer engagement – these are the metrics that can quantify the level of your brand’s engagement and popularity in real time.

Be Selective

Whichever platforms you opt for will largely depend on the nature of your personal branding. Stick to the ones best suited to you, rather than stretching yourself too thin across every platform you can find.

Interact & Engage

The beauty of a strong social media presence is also that your activity does not have to end where another channel begins – interacting with other brands and businesses via social media is a great way to keep active, extend your reach, and maybe even make new connections, with minimal time and effort.

Quality, Not Quantity

Remember, the amount of followers you cultivate, while important, is not the be all and end all – it’s far more impactful to have a quality following of users who are actively interested in what you have to offer, as these are the people who are more likely to engage and interact with your posts.

Optimise for SEO

Search engine optimisation (SEO) plays a crucial role in increasing your online visibility. Link-building, content creation, and keyword research – these are the hallmarks of making Google your best friend. It can be time-consuming, but your hard work will pay off. Here’s how to use SEO to your advantage.

Focus on Your Content

Quality, keyword-rich content is the target here. From your website, to your blog, to your socials, everything you produce must be optimised if you want to reach the right audience.

Make Everything Phone-Friendly

All sites now use mobile-first indexing, not to mention the fact that the majority of searching, browsing, and scrolling is done via a phone, rather than a laptop or computer. Give your website a mobile makeover, stay on top of mobile errors, and develop interactive content fit for a small screen – anything to enhance the mobile user experience.

Prioritise Local SEO

This means focusing on keywords that have the most reach in your immediate area, boosting your business up the ranks in local search results.

Utilise Email Marketing

What does email marketing have that posting on socials doesn’t? A more niche audience in a less-crowded space. Your email marketing recipients have actually signed up to receive this stuff from you, and their inboxes are going to be infinitely less competitive than the doom-scroll abyss of their Insta feed.

Elevate Your Subject Line

The subject line will be the determining factor that will encourage your subscribers to either open up or bin off your email. Increase your open rate with a few punchy words that your audience won’t be able to resist clicking on, and the rest will follow.

Provide an Incentive

Speaking of attention-grabbing subject lines, nothing quite says ‘click me’ like an offer of something free. An industry report, an expert guide, or even money off a first purchase – create an incentive that your readers can’t refuse, and watch your engagement increase.

Raising Revenue Through Your Online Presence

Ultimately, online presence is the backbone of any successful business. Branding is inherently interlinked with digital activity, and requires compelling content, audience engagement, and a level of authenticity to reach the right people and raise your revenue. Keep these steps in mind to transform from invisible to influential in the digital sphere.

Looking to take your online presence a step further? Join Orbitr today to move beyond the traditional CV and get your ultimate career pass.

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