Orbitr for You!

Whatever your interests, skills and ambitions Orbitr is a groundbreaking app poised to revolutionise your career and personal development.

Focused on helping you to create a career pass developing multiple profiles showcasing your diversity and the very best versions of yourself!

*And the best thing…. it’s absolutely free!

Orbitr is launching soon!

Be one of the first 10,000 to sign up to the waiting list to receive Orbitr Premium, free for life!

Orbitr is set to disrupt multiple markets with its innovative, supportive and enhanced approach to recruitment, career and personal development. Allowing you to build your value, develop your personal brand and record your worth.

Apply now to join the waiting list.

In our changing society, the concept of one lifelong career following a singular trajectory is obsolete. Today, people are manoeuvring through diverse career paths often developing multiple profiles to represent their interests and goals.

Orbitr is focused on supporting you in your career journey

Key Features

With Orbitr, you can create multiple career profiles tailored to your interests, skills, and ambitions. Keep your personal brand, achievements, and connections up to date to support your goals. Get curated content on career and education opportunities delivered directly to your feed, saving you time and helping you on your journey.

Upload and verify your skills and experiences, including qualifications and work/project experiences. You have full control over your privacy and can choose whether to engage with opportunities, share your profile, or build connections. It’s all up to you!

Multiple Profiles

Move beyond a traditional CV offering to a more sophisticated, diverse, tailored, multi-profile approach to represent your ability and true potential. Tailor your profile(s) to a specific audience.

You can build multiple career profiles based on your:

  • Personal interests
  • Skills
  • Industries
  • Experiences
  • Ambitions


Orbitr allows you to create the ultimate career pass within your own personal Orbit. A pass which supports you throughout your personal and career development journey, available 24/7.

Continually updating your personal brand, skills, achievements, knowledge, career highlights, connections, mentors, and opportunities. All of which supports you to achieve your goals.


Your Orbit is completely private and the way the platform has been developed allows you to be in control, keeping everything private and locked down.

  • It’s up to you as to whether you engage with the opportunities presented.
  • It’s up to you as to whether you share and connect your profile with credited businesses and partners.
  • It’s up to you as to which profile you choose to share?
  • It’s up to you as to whether you want to share a new achievement across your social platforms.

You get the gist, it’s up to you!


Orbitr allows you to upload and verify your skills and experiences, including qualifications, certifications, official records, or work/project experiences, obtained through your peers upon successful completion.

Verification isn’t a must, but it certainly helps to build credibility and connections with people who will vouch for you.


Opportunities based on your personal profile!

Connect and communicate directly with organisations, apply for jobs, training, courses, and offers to help support your development, while keeping everything private and in one place

Download any of your profiles directly to a format ready CV.


Capture your data in one secure location.

Orbitr will curate and deliver valuable content including career, education and amazing retail opportunities based on your personal and career interests.

All delivered directly to your feed with a built-in personal calendar to help support your journey, saving you time so you can focus on you!


Building a successful career often requires guidance and mentorship. Orbitr provides users with access to a supportive community and networking opportunities, connecting them with mentors and peers.

Introducing your guide!

Meet Orie, your guide to helping you get the most out of your Orbit!

Orbitr’s Mission

To help create a wider, more diverse and level playing field for people to thrive and to achieve

To challenge the status quo!

To build a globally recognised brand


    Orbitr terms and conditions can be found here

    *Please note that Orbitr offers a freemium version available to all users to register, download and enjoy all the amazing benefits featured on this website and we take no credit card or payment details.

    A monthly £2.99 subscription will only be asked if you require more than 500mb storage and you would like to create more than 3 separate profiles.
